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The Search Is On: TypeScript for Beginners

A word from Lex 😄

TypeScript is becoming a hot commodity in the professional tech industry, and more and more am I seeing it appear in job descriptions. In today's blog, I'll be covering how I quickly learned TypeScript with the most optimal resources, and how I put TS into practice in real projects. I also mention some resources that provide inspiration for future projects, or even for features that you can add to your existing projects!

My TS Journey:

The method I used for learning TS to get the basics down was using the No BS TS (YouTube Series), paired with hands-on keyboard practice using the Total TypeScript course. I also was reading through the official TypeScript Handbook to understand the meaning behind concepts, and to see other real code examples. Because I'm an overachiever and also like to practice repetition so that my brain can fully ~soak in~ the concepts, when I was finished with a resource, I'd move on to a new resource to continue my spaced repetition. So, following the No BS TS + Total TS resources, I moved on to the TypeScript Tutorial for Beginners (Programming with Mosh). Then, I finished the Learn TypeScript course on CodeCademy. I am now working on The Net Ninja's TS project, see the next section:

Another route you can go (and where I currently am):

I was highly recommended the TypeScript Tutorial (with The Net Ninja) because not only do you learn the basics and how TS works, but you are applying to it a project. If I had known about this resource before I started learning TS the way that I did, then I would have 100% followed this tutorial. I actually began this video series a few days ago, and I've been following along to continue practicing spaced repetition, but also to prepare me for tackling some TS projects.

What's next?

When I'm finished with The Net Ninja's series, I feel like I've done enough spaced repetition for the basics, and I'm ready to begin tackling real projects. The best way to do this, for me, is to jump into a codebase I'm familiar with, begin implementing Typescript, and just sifting through the errors.

Resources today:

My initial journey:

🔗 Total TypeScript

Another very effective journey:


What's next?

🔗 JavaScript 30

Notes today:

My initial journey

🌟 I highly recommend pairing these two resources together:

🔗 Total TypeScript

If you want hands on keyboard time, Total TypeScript, in my opinion, was the best resource for my learning. Total TS provides 18 problems, each with an introductory video that explains the challenge, and then is followed by an explanatory video for the problem's solution. What's great is that you can grab all of the code from GitHub to run in your local VSCode and push your solutions to your own repo so that you can receive your GitHub daily green squares!

NO BS TS with Jack Herrington is a YouTube series that breaks down each concept of TS. The series' organization made it extremely easy for me to reference concepts when I was working through the Total TS lessons; if I forgot a certain concept or syntax, I always found the answer in these videos.

🌟 The official TS documentation is CHEF'S KISS.😙👌

If you learn best with reading and you want documentation-based learning, I can't say the same for many technologies' official docs, but I do highly recommend the official TS documentation. The concepts are highly organized, very well explained, and provide examples.

Another very effective journey

I was highly recommended the TypeScript Tutorial (with The Net Ninja) because not only do you learn the basics and how TS works, but you are applying to it a project. The Net Ninja does a fantastic job at explaining concepts and showing how they are used in actual web applications. So if you don't want to follow the path I did (with No BS TS + the Total TS course), I'd highly recommend following The Net Ninja's course and building that project and coding along with him.


ProgrammingWithMosh has a great introduction video on TS that also includes how to use the Debugger in VSCode, which I don't see often in tutorials.

If you want hands on keyboard time, CodeCademy is always a great route to go. I like using CC because it gives real examples on the errors you will come across, and exactly how to solve them.


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