9:30 AM -11:15 AM: Slept in on my day off, and hung out in bed with my kitten for a little bit before getting up to do my morning routine (make the bed, tidy the room, wash face, floss, brush teeth, etc). I made warm coffee (yay, fall is here!!) and protein chocolate chip pancakes and I had my breakfast out by my pool. There was a perfect breeze, so it wasn't too hot. And I wrote a really nice journal entry that's been on my mind about reciprocated love vs. unconditional love and how to find a balance, if there even is one... That's a whole philosophical concept in itself.
11:30 AM-12:45 AM: Updated my portfolio site. I updated my bio blurbs to more accurately represent my lifestyle and mindset. I added new projects to my "projects" page, such as my CSS Generators API. I added little description blurbs to the header area of each projects page, and I added "tools and technologies" to the descriptions of each project. And I tweaked some design aspects, such as spacing in the project containers and formatting for the new descriptions I was adding to the content in the project containers.
Per Leon's homework request, I read through and reviewed string methods: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/essential-javascript-string-methods-f1841dad1961
~1 hour: I watched CodeSmith's "An Introduction to Functions, Execution Context and the Call Stack (FULL VIDEO - Parts 1-3)" https://wwew.youtube.com/watch?v=exrc_rLj5iw
Actually, I watched it once through to simply sit, listen, and take in the content, and then I watched it a second time, but this time I allowed myself to take notes! I added "Explain execution context (global vs. function)" and "Explain the call stack" to my Banki.
I decided I wasn't going to stop there, because I was enjoying reviewing JavaScript concepts, and I really found Will Sentance's teaching style to be incredibly refreshing. The way he calls on students to answer things, the questions he poses, the way he communicates the thought process while going through every single piece of his lesson, the verbiage/syntax he uses while teaching -- his lessons are brilliant.
~40 minutes: I watched CodeSmith's (instructor: Will Sentance) "How to Understand Callbacks & Higher Order Functions (FULL VIDEO Parts 1-4)" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=viQz4nUUnpw )
At this point, it was about 5:45 PM, and I was wanting to listen to music. But I still wanted to review and use my time effectively and one of the things I can do programming-wise while multitasking (watching a show, listening to music, talking to someone) is reviewing concepts on CodeCademy/FreeCodeCamp. Learning while "multitasking" is not good practice; however, reviewing while multitasking.. is also not the best practice. HOWEVER! If it's reviewing to pass the time, and not active reviewing, then I think it's a good way to utilize your time. I did active review for the past few hours as I watched CodeSmith videos and took notes and reviewed Banki. Now, it was time for some ~chill~ reviewing. So I currently I'm doing the "Learn Intermediate JavaScript" curriculum which goes over classes, modules, promises, async-await, and error-handling.
After a little bit of doing, my bestfriend came over and we rushed over to the beach for a sunset chat. When it got dark, we went and got sundaes (hot fudge and cookie dough🤪) and ended our night with some cuddles on my couch, watching Love Island.